Canva is a free online platform where you can easily create beautiful designs. Millions of people worldwide use it for multiple purposes, such as making announcements, invitations, business cards, etc.
The background remover tool is one of the most helpful features of Canva, especially for those who want to create professional-looking designs without hiring a designer.
However, if you need to learn how to use the tool and remove an image’s Background in Canva, we’re here to help you figure this out through our comprehensive step-by-step guide.
How To Use Canva To Remove Image’s Background
Canva is beloved by bloggers and small businesses for its simple, intuitive design interface and range of features, including its background-removing capability that can help to create a Pinterest graphic or blog post with a clean and professional look.
Here’s a quick step-by-step guide on how to use Canva to remove the background from an image on PC or mobile:
To remove the image’s background in Canva using your PC, follow the steps below:
Create a new account or sign in to your existing one.
Step2 Click “Create a Design” and select “Edit Photo.” Click the “Use in a Design” option from the top right corner of the pop-up screen.
Step3 Now, you will be directed to a new tab. Select your image and click the “Edit Image” option from the top ribbon.
Step4 From the left side menu, click “Background Remover.” Wait for the background to be processed and click “Erase.” You can also use the cursor brush to remove the sides manually.
Once the background is disappeared, click “Apply” to save your changes.
On Mobile
The following steps will help you remove the image’s background in Canva using its mobile app. The steps for iOS and Android systems are similar, and here we use an Android telephone as an example:
Step1 Install Canva from App Store or Google Play Store in first step. Launch the app and tap the purple “Plus” icon at the bottom-right of the screen.
Note: The “Background Remover” is available only in the premium version, letting you remove BG from up to 500 images daily.
Facilitate Functions Of Removing Image’s Background More Accurately
Follwing the above guidance, you can remove the image’s background with Canva with ease. However, there are two must-see functions in Canva which facilitate the accuracy of background removal.
Canva’s Erase and Restore function makes it easy to remove image backgrounds. With Erase, you can select and erase specific elements from an image. With Restore, you can undo any accidental erasures. Here’s a quick overview of how to use these two functions:
Title: [New] Simplified Editing for Clean-Cut Canvas Photos